The big vision
I've been in convos at conferences the last few weeks about carbon offsets, carbon removals, and cooling our planet. Let's look at how these fit into the big picture of our climate mission at AirMiners.
AirMiners vision is a thriving human civilization with Earth at 280 ppm by 2050.
And our contribution to that is focused on carbon removal. Our mission is to remove 1 gigaton CO2e from the atmosphere by 2030 cumulatively.
But there's two other key pieces neeeded to make that vision a reality mainly reducing emissions and maintaining planetary temperature to prevent tipping over to an unstable climate.
Making this vision a reality means we need these pieces to all work together. It means paying to come up with solutions that don't emit as much carbon. It means paying people to not emit as much (as tricky economically as that is). The more we emit, and the longer it takes to get good at grabbing on to molecules of CO2, the harder it is to keep the temperature from hitting the tipping point towards an unstable climate.
We're not doing carbon removal so we can keep emitting carbon dioxide. Fossil fuels have served a catalytic role in the success of our entire civilization but now we have more efficient alternatives. No matter how elegant and smart we get at carbon removal, not emitting in the first place is way more efficient. There's so much carbon dioxide that we need to both stop emitting and to remove it too.
And we also have to keep an eye on the temperature overall. Around 2 degrees of warming the planet will tip from a stable climate to an chaotic climate. That's why we care so much about carbon dioxide, if carbon dioxide didn't wasn't a greenhouse gas that caused warming, we wouldn't care about it. Reduce emissions, remove carbon, and maintain a stable temperature.
This is the big picture.
Here's ways you can help:
If you're working on carbon removal, come to the next AirMiners Ideas, Needs, and Leads session and share the latest. (For members only, link here. If you're not an AirMiners member, consider joining here under "Join our Community")
If you're working on decarbonization or cooling the planet, here's other communities and projects that can help fill out your own understanding of the whole climate picture.
As a subscriber to this newsletter, you're a champion of this vision for a stable planet and a thriving human civilization. Share this vision with someone today - start a conversation, or forward this email.
P.S. JP Morgan just announced $200M+ of carbon removal purchases. It's go time!