AirMiners in positions of power

Story time. I’m in Washington DC walking down the hall to my next meeting. There’s a man in the doorway. He stops me and hands me his business card. He says he's an AirMiners Boot Up graduate. It got him into carbon removal a few years ago. I say congratulations.

I look down at the card. He’s leading a multi-billion dollar initiative that’s funding carbon removal development.


People tell me stories like this about AirMiners. How they met their co-founder, got the focus and speed for their startup, rebuilt their life to go big on carbon removal. Then they ask if that type of extraordinary outcome was intentional in the design of AirMiners. 

Absolutely. That’s what we built it for. Every piece of AirMiners is essential in that way. Removing a billion tons of carbon dioxide by 2030 is taking us on an extraordinary journey.

The most important thing is that people raise their hand and get in. The way our educational Boot Up works is a great example of this. Boot Up is a book-club style structure with no teachers and no experts. So of course some people have breakthroughs and some people freak out and are overwhelmed.

The people who have breakthroughs help the people who are freaking out. Togetherthey get stronger and go on to become friends, team up, and start new things. They make 1 billion tons of carbon removal by 2030 possible.

Launchpad accelerator is another great example: life coaching, leadership experience, and startup pitch coaching all-in-one. This vibe of being a self-starter runs throughout AirMiners.

What all AirMiners have in common is they raised their hand to be "in" on carbon removal.

When you raise your hand to become an AirMiner, all this goes to work for you. Our job is air traffic control for the extraordinary: where do we direct your self-starter talents for right where you are right at this moment.

I’m sharing these examples with you because that’s how I empower you to step up and take action.

Get to work on carbon removal. Go start a company. Go out and become someone in power in carbon removal. That’s what all this is for.

It’s go time.


P.S. Boot UpAcceleratorEventsSlackNewsletter, Town Hall #3 next week (members check your inbox)


Help shape what's next for AirMiners (part 3)


All of us together: that’s how we remove a billion tons by 2030